Director's Desk

Hardwork is the key to success, but without proper guidance, it can’t assure the positivity of result.In this message, these are not just words, we are setting tone to the entire culture and our vision for the students to provide them with a learning atmosphere that will help blossom their careers.
Here at Slate N Chalk Academy we firmly believe that as an educational institute, it is our duty not only to enable the students to succeed in their pursuits on clearing the competitive exams but also to enact their bright young minds in the accession and intellectual argumentation of the society as a whole.
Slate N Chalk Academy is a place where teaching staff, administrative staff and parents work together to achieve prosperous and secure future in academics for every student.
Therefore, Slate N Chalk Academy has taken the responsibility of bringing the best educators and administrators under one roof and creating a knowledge pool par excellence. The talent and the energy which our students possess need to be nurtured, shaped and channeled in the right direction. Our combined efforts would bring out not only the best in their careers by facing highly competitive examinations, but also the best in their lives.
With best wishes,
Sudipta Basu
Director of Slate N Chalk Academy